When you have a shingled roof it doesn’t last forever and will need to be replaced eventually. Broken shingles can come from wind, moisture underneath shingles, or other weather. Broken shingles require immediate attention as to not cause more damage to the interior or internal structure of your home.

Find The Damage
You may know that your shingles are damaged but finding where the problem is located on your roof can be helpful for professionals or to watch for interior problems in your home. Finding the damage also helps to see if there is more damage or potential problems. If you can identify the location and cause of the problem, you can help to prevent more roofing repair.
Call Professionals
When it comes to damaged roofing, calling a professional to best prepare the damage is the right way to go. Not only do roofers have the knowledge, but they also have tools and resources to do the best job. Roofers can also identify more underlying problems to avoid more damage in the future. Broken shingles need immediate attention and it is best to have repair made by someone who is trained.

Clear Roof Gutters
Broken roof shingles often are caused by dirt, leaves, or other granules underneath. Gutters with a build up of debris can cause the build up to move to your shingles. Pushing them up and causing them to lift and break. Rain water can also build up and moisture can build up under shingles as well, causing them to deteriorate.
Repair Cracks
Some shingles may just have cracks and can be fixed with sealant. Apply sealant under the crack and spread it with a putty knife. Then put pressure on the shingle and apply sealant on top of the crack. Keep pressure on it until the adhesive is sealed and let it dry for some time.
Repairing cracks may temporarily fix the issue, but may not be a permanent solution. Broken shingles need to be handled in a timely manner to keep the strength of your roof up to par.
When You Shouldn’t Replace Your Own Shingles
You may determine that your roof is not that damaged. Even though the damage may seem minimal, you may not be able to determine all of the damage. If your roof is older, replacing broken shingles is just placing a bandaid over a bigger problem.
Climbing on your roof can also be dangerous and not enjoyable. If you replace your shingles yourself and don’t truly assess the damage, you can find yourself climbing up on your roof time and time again.
Why Work With Us
The best way to safeguard your roof from damage and extend the life of your roof requires regular maintenance. Our team can help keep your property safe and looking professional. Our team assesses damages and can pinpoint what is causing the problems.
Our team offers to check your roof out on a regular basis. Members of our Care Club enjoy the peace of mind, knowing that they will never have to set foot on their roof. Roofing can be dangerous and time consuming, we don’t want to put this weight on you. Contact us today and we can help keep you and your family safe. KangaRoof provides fast and efficient services and can guarantee that you will be satisfied with the results.

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